The Dental Morphology Journal

The Dental Morphology Journal
The aim of the journal was to promote the medical research, to stimulate and support the young generation of dentists.
The Dental Morphology Journal is published twice a year, the spring (mai) and fall (november) edition. Materials of the journal are also available online with open access. The deadline for submitting papers to the spring edition is April 15, while for the fall edition is october 15.
The journal publishes original articles revealing recent research results in oral health,,clinical trials, review articles providing up-to-date analysis or discussion on research previously published by others, case reports describing interesting and exceptional clinical cases the authors have encountered.

Editorial bord
Associate Prof. DDS Ph.D Cristina Adriana Dahm Tataru
Assist. Prof. DDS PhD Gabriela Boța
Assist. Prof. DDS PhD Laura Ștef
Associate Prof. DDS PhD Alina Cristian
Teach. Assist. DDS. PhD Andreea Dinu
Teach. Assist. MD. PhD Andrei Bodea
Dr. Friedrich HENK (Austria)
Dr. Radu Fleacă (Romania)
Dr. Monica MONEA (Romania)
Dr. Nuri YAZICIOGlU (Turkiye)
Dr. Anca Maria Frăţilă (Romania)
Dr. Maria Mihaela Cernuşcă Miţariu (Romania)
Dr. Mona IONAȘ (Romania)
Dr. Vasile Nicolae (Romania)
Dr. Mihai BURlibașa (Romania)
Dr. Nejat Nizam (Turkiye)
Dr. Andreea Angela ȘTEȚIU (Romania)
Dr. Florin Grosu (Romania)
Dr. Maria Livia OGNEAN (Romania)
Dr. Victoria Bîrluţiu (Romania)
Dr. Pia Manuela Pumnea (Romania)
Dr. Cosmin MOHOR (Romania)
Dr. Tugce Nalbant Onder (Turkiye)
Filip Dahm
Editorial process
Peer review process
Dental Morphology Journal publishes only original work. Articles sent for publication go through the following phases of review, within a bias period of approximately 8 weeks:
Phase 1:
The article published is evaluated by the editor-in-chief to see if the paper meets the basic criteria of the journal, including: the harmony between the nature of the paper and the aims of the Journal; if it has the structure of an article; its length and the appropriate bibliography. In the event that the paper does not meet the criteria, the rejection is immediate, without being sent to the subsequent stages of external reviewer. The editorial team respond to this phase within 20 days to check whether the work is rejected or sent to the external reviewer stage (the following stages).
Phase 2:
If the article meets the basic criteria above, then it is sent for evaluation to external reviewer. Reviewers may also be from the editorial board if the work concerns a board member, international field experts, or other university experts who evaluate the article. The reviewer do not know the identity of the author, nor does the author know who the reviewer of their article is (blind peer review).
Phase 3
Reviewers evaluate the article and then provide the editor with one of these answers:
-the article is publishable without the need for revision and improvement;
-the article is conditionally publishable. The reviewer makes concrete recommendations on what needs to be improved in order for the article to be published;
-the editorial office then informs the author on these recommendations;
-the article is unpublishable (Rejected). But there are times when the editor-in-chief decides to publish or not publish an article if one of the reviewers is more convincing and resolute than the other in what he or she has evaluated. The final decision is made by the editor-in-chief based on the recommendations and comments of the reviewers.
Phase 4:
Informing the author of the review process. The review process usually takes 5-6 weeks, but sometimes, due to the number of papers, the complexity of the research presented, the delay of the reviewers, or the article completion / improvement phase, the whole process can take up to 4 months.
After acceptance, manuscripts are copy edited including language editing, copy editing. Authors are recommended to consult a native English-speaking colleague.
The Dental Morphology Journal adopts WHO’s definition of clinical trial: “any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes”.
Observational studies will not require registration. The Dental Morphology Journal accepts registration in the following registries:

The specific trial registry name and number must be submitted with each clinical trial manuscript. The Dental Morphology Journal editors will check manuscripts on submission to determine if clinical trial registration is required. The trial registry name and number will be stated at the end of the abstract. Authors of randomized trials must follow the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT Statement).
Authorship criteria
Each author must contribute to the manuscript.
All those designated as authors should meet all three criteria for authorship, and those who meet all three criteria should be identified as authors. The corresponding author, or the author who is referred to as “first authorship”, is responsible to communicate with the journal from the beginning of submission to publication; particularly, the corresponding author must ensure the agreement of all qualified authors, the order of contributors, and reach the integrity of all contributors. Contributors who do not meet all three authorship criteria should not be listed as authors; however, are recommended to be acknowledged.
According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, all authors should have made substantial contributions to all the following: (1) the conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, (3) final approval of the version to be submitted. The author should state their exact name and surname immediately after the title of the work; their affiliation (university name), email and ORCID number, if applicable. If you have previously published an article, your ORCID identification number links the reader and the peer review, to other articles you have previously published. If you do not yet have an ORCID identifier and would like to open one, please click here to create it.
Further information on the ICGME Guidelines for Authorship can be found HERE. Again, the editor and publisher reserve the right to ask for justification for each author’s inclusion.

No fee charged
Submission deadline for the 8-th edition, monday 06.05.2024
Should follow the template. It can be found in the Send an Article page.
Manuscripts submitted must be prepared in MS Word or Pages. Also, illustrations must be attached separately as a PDF, a JPEG, or a TIFF file.
Manuscripts should have a maximum of 3000 words excluding title page, abstract, acknowledgements, references and illustrations.
A maximum of 10 figures, charts, graphs or photographs, and 10 tables or any combination thereof may be submitted. (See next paragraph for an exception to this rule.) Each separate chart, graph or photograph will be counted as a separate illustration; illustrations should not be grouped together as a single illustration.
Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are cited in the text. Regarding clinical figures, The Dental Morphology Journal will accept only digital files in PDF, JPEG or TIFF format. These may be uploaded separately indicating if it is either a figure or a table and its respective number. The Dental Morphology Journal will accept digital files of histologic slides, radiographs, magnetic resonance images and magnetic resonance angiograms. The publisher reserves the right to reject any figure that does not meet the necessary quality standards for publication.
*(Exception. For only articles on esthetic care, authors are invited to provide sufficient numbers of high-quality photographs to present their material comprehensively, provided that there is an appropriate ratio of text to photographs: the length of the manuscript must be sufficient to support placement of photographs within the text. As a rule of thumb, assume an outside limit of three photographs per manuscript page.)
Any patient who is clearly identified in the article (either in text or in photographs and/or videos) must sign a consent form indicating his or her consent to be thus depicted in the article. This document must be signed and submitted in PDF.

Ethics in Publishing
The research policies and The Dental Morphology Journal have the highest standards regarding scientific integrity and avoidance of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism.
When submitting a paper on The Dental Morphology Journal, authors automatically agree they have read and accepted all guidelines before submission. They assure thereby that the paper contains no element of data fabrication, data falsification or plagiarism (including unacknowledged self-plagiarism). Any writing or drawing using data from another source must either be in quotes, or in their own author’s words, citing every source with no exemptions.
This journal will regularly check the manuscripts upon plagiarism, which means that by submitting your manuscript to this journal you accept that your manuscript may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.
The author should state their exact name and surname immediately after the title of the work; their affiliation (university name), email and ORCID number, if applicable. If you have previously published an article, your ORCID identification number links the reader and the peer review, to other articles you have previously published. If you do not yet have an ORCID identifier and would like to open one, please click here
Copyright is retained by the authors of the articles published in The Dental Morphology Journal. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. This means that anyone may read and download the paper for free. In addition, the article may be reused and quoted provided that the original published version is cited. These conditions allow for maximum use and exposure of the work, while ensuring that the authors receive proper credit.
Protection of personal data
To access, correct, delete and limit the processing of personal data (GDPR), please contact us at the email address
You may request that your personal data may or may not be used or transmitted to another processor (GDPR) at
If you consider that your personal data has not been protected by law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (GDPR).

Publishing Partnership
Asociația DentalEvolution
- Address: Str. Avram Iancu nr.637, Orlat, jud. Sibiu, România
- Phone: +40- 749214341
- E-mail:
- Web:
Bibliographic information
ISSN 2734 – 701X
ISSN-L 2734 – 701X
Contact person: Dahm Tataru Cristina Adriana, PhD